Flu Shots and Airport Security

When anything other than food enters your body, it gets ‘screened’ in the mucous membranes of your nose, mouth and gut with suspicion and rejected if necessary… like TSA Agents screening luggage for dangerous materials before they’re allowed on a plane. Sneezing, runny noses and coughs are your body’s natural way of preventing harmful dust, germs and foreign chemicals from ‘getting on board.’

When you INJECT foreign virus material and chemicals from a flu shot directly into your body, this natural innate screening process is bypassed and hazardous materials are allowed to pass freely into secure areas, like your blood stream and soft tissues. The potential for trouble begins.

How comfortable would you feel getting on a plane knowing the bags didn’t get X-Rayed first? If your answer is ‘not very comfortable’ then consider how safe your body feels when chemicals in the flu shot like Mercury (in the form of Thimerisol), Formaldehyde and Glycol are allowed bypass your body’s check-in and go for a ride inside you. There are safer, natural ways to protect yourself from the flu this year. Ask your Chiropractor how.
At Kachinsky Family Chiropractic we are committed to your Health and Wellness. We are the cartersville chiropractor for all your health needs. Located in Cartersville, Ga on North Tennessee Street. For excellent Cartersville Chiropractic care come see us. Come in today and make sure your Nervous system is functioning at 100% with Principled Chiropractic Care. We are your Family Chiropractor.

Kachinsky Family Chiropractic
607 North Tennessee Street
Cartersville, GA 30120

By KachinskyFamilyChiropractic

“Can you hear me now…”

Did you know the first adjustment ever given wasn’t for back pain, neck pain or headaches? Here’s how it all started as told by our founder Dr. D.D. Palmer in 1895…

“Harvey Lillard, a janitor, in the Ryan Block, where I had my office, had been so deaf for 17 years that he could not hear the racket of a wagon on the street or the ticking of a watch. I made inquiry as to the cause of his deafness and was informed that when he was exerting himself in a cramped, stooping position, he felt something give way in his back and immediately became deaf.

An examination showed a vertebra racked from its normal position. I reasoned that if that vertebra was replaced, the man’s hearing should be restored. With this object in view, a half hour’s talk persuaded Mr. Lillard to allow me to replace it. I racked it into position by using the spinous process as a lever and soon the man could hear as before.

There was nothing ‘accidental’ about this, as it was accomplished with an object in view, and the result expected was obtained. There was nothing ‘crude’ about this adjustment; it was specific, so much so that no Chiropractor has equaled it.” Thus Chiropractic was born!


Now imagine if Harvey still needed a hearing aid after September 1895. Your Chiropractor wouldn’t be adjusting you today. Good thing D.D. was a great persuader!

At Kachinsky Family Chiropractic we are committed to your Health and Wellness. We are the cartersville chiropractor for all your health needs. Located in Cartersville, Ga on North Tennessee Street. For excellent Cartersville Chiropractic care come see us. Come in today and make sure your Nervous system is functioning at 100% with Principled Chiropractic Care. We are your Family Chiropractor.

Kachinsky Family Chiropractic
607 North Tennessee Street
Cartersville, GA 30120

By KachinskyFamilyChiropractic

“Spine low on Adjustments….”

What would you do if your car’s low oil light came on today? Would you top off your engine with some 10W-30 weight or put some black tape over that little annoying light so you wouldn’t have to deal with it any more?

Ignoring the warning sign will cause your engine to seize down the road. And if you were checking the dipstick regularly and adding oil when needed, the light might not have come on in the first place. The same goes for your spine and regular Chiropractic check ups.

When your spine gets too low on adjustments, pain is the warning light. Unfortunately by the time the pain shows up you’ve been out of adjustment too long. If that’s the case, don’t ‘black tape’ the pain with Tylenol or any other pain killer for that matter. Bring your spine in for a proper Chiropractic Adjustment today and avoid a catastrophic seize event tomorrow.

At Kachinsky Family Chiropractic we are committed to your Health and Wellness. We are the cartersville chiropractor for all your health needs. Located in Cartersville, Ga on North Tennessee Street. For excellent Cartersville Chiropractic care come see us. Come in today and make sure your Nervous system is functioning at 100% with Principled Chiropractic Care. We are your Family Chiropractor.

Kachinsky Family Chiropractic
607 North Tennessee Street
Cartersville, GA 30120

By KachinskyFamilyChiropractic

One Down…. The rest of your LIFE to Go!!!

How many healthy meals does it take to lose 20 lbs? Or how many miles on the treadmill does it take to shed 5 inches? It obviously takes more than just one, and you’ve got to stick with it to maintain the results. Well, the same goes for your Chiropractic care.

It takes more than one adjustment to change your state of health. It’s true the body has a greater potential to improve even after just one adjustment. But like eating well and exercising, you achieve lasting results only with repetition and consistency.

So how long should you stick with your new diet regimen, exercise routine or spinal maintenance plan? The answer is, as long as you want to be healthy… and hopefully that’s for the rest of your Life. In the world of fitness, healthy eating and Chiropractic, there’s no such thing as ‘one and done.’ You’ve got to stick with it to reap the rewards.

Kachinsky Family Chiropractic
607 North Tennessee Street
Cartersville, GA 30120

Cartersville Chiropractor, cartersville chiropractic, cartersville ga chiropractor, Cartersville Georgia chiropractic, wellness, pain relief, Health

By KachinskyFamilyChiropractic

“The Super Glue of Life”

Ever wonder what keeps your heart beating in rhythm while you exercise, or knows the exact amount of white blood cells to produce when you’re fighting an infection? How about mending a broken bone? Is it the cast that unites damaged bone or the bandage that seals broken skin? Think again.

Chiropractors recognize that there’s an intangible force, an innate intelligence far greater than we can understand that holds us together and keeps us alive… an intelligent ‘super glue’ that binds together all our cells, tissues and organs and coordinates their various functions to produce health. It grew you from two microscopic cells into a thriving, vibrant person and maintains your existence at this very moment.

BJ Palmer, the developer of Chiropractic, once asked… “have you more faith in a knife or a spoonful of medicine than in the power that animates the living world?” That’s a question every chiropractic patient must answer honestly for themselves if they truly want to get the most out of their care.

Kachinsky Family chiropractic
607 North Tennessee Street
Cartersville, GA 30120

Cartersville chiropractor, cartersville chiropractic, cartersville GA chiropractor, wellness, health, back pain, cartersville georgia chiropractor

By KachinskyFamilyChiropractic

“Wringing out the stress of LIFE”

Your Nerve System is the ultimate sponge, soaking up all the experiences, sensations and stresses you encounter every day. Like a sponge, it can only absorb so much before it becomes over-saturated and spills stress into your body. The result… PAIN, SICKNESS and WEAK PERFORMANCE!

The best thing you can do to prevent Nerve System Over-Saturation is to get checked by your Chiropractor regularly and adjusted when necessary. Adjustments gently “wring out” accumulated tension in your Nerve System before it has a chance to build up and affect your health negatively.

If you’re feeling super-soaked from the stress of Life, bring your saturated nerves to the Chiropractor for some TLC. You’ll experience more energy, improved sleep and a better overall feeling of wellness if you do.

Kachinsky Family Chiropractic
607 North Tennessee Street
Cartersville, GA 30120

Cartersville Chiropractor, Cartersville,GA chiropractic, Cartersville Georgia chiropractor, back pain, wellness, health, nervous system, cartersville chiropractic

By KachinskyFamilyChiropractic

“Life support or LIFE Support…”

Nearly half (45 percent) of all Americans suffer from at least one chronic disease. In 2006, the amount spent treating chronic diseases was $1.65 trillion, nearly identical to the nation’s federal deficit. We spend the most on medical care among all industrial countries, yet our quality of health and Life isn’t any better. We need to do something different…

What if more people knew they already possessed an innate ability to resist chronic sickness and disease? Could we all enjoy a better quality of Life by optimizing the expression of this Power from the moment we’re born to the moment we die? Or are you content with merely surviving day to day, consuming whatever drugs you can to manage your illness, creating a false sense of health until that final moment when the pills, potions and lotions can no longer save you?

The Power you need to stay alive and well courses freely through your nerve system. It doesn’t come in capsule form. Keep it flowing with regular ‘Chiropractic’ LIFE Support care and you can enjoy a better quality of Life. It’s time we all did something different.

Kachinsky Family Chiropractic
607 North Tennessee Street
Cartersville, GA 30101

“Free your Spine and the Rest Will Follow…”

You can’t sleep, your energy levels are low and you’re finding it harder to make it through your day. Your doctor insists there’s nothing wrong but you still feel like something’s weighing you down. Maybe it’s time to call the Chiropractor…

Chiropractors understand how daily stress can weigh down your nerve system like a ball and chain. Repetitive physical, chemical and emotional stress can subtly cause mis-alignments in your spine called Subluxations. The resulting pressure on your nerve system from uncorrected subluxations can lead to symptoms of fatigue, restlessness and mental fog. The solution… get adjusted! Unlocking your spine with regular Chiropractic care can restore your lost energy, vitality and alertness.

You don’t have to be a prisoner to stress. If you’re feeling sluggish, weak and bogged down from the challenges of life, FREE YOUR SPINE and the rest will follow. Break the chains of Subluxations with regular Chiropractic care and reach your potential today. Until next time.

Cartersville,GA Chiropractor, Cartersville Georgia chiropractic, cartersville chiropractor, health, wellness, back pain

Kachinsky Family Chiropractic
607 North Tennessee Street
Cartersville, GA 30120

By KachinskyFamilyChiropractic

“Do You Smell Something Burning?”

The family physician of one of our patients tells him “there are 3 stages of pain. The first stage is when the pain is bad enough to catch your attention. The second stage is it takes hold of you, and at the third stage it finally compels you to do something about it.” So then my patient asks his doctor, “when it gets to stage three what should I do?” Without a blink his doctor turns to him and says “take some Motrin…” (True and sad story)

The worst part of this story is this patient actually thought it was good advice. So I asked him “if your smoke detector went off in your home, the 1st time it would probably catch your attention. If it went off a 2nd time it would most likely take hold of you. But if it went off a 3rd time and finally compelled you to do something, would you take the batteries out so you wouldn’t have to hear it anymore? “Of course not,” he replied “that would be stupid…” He got the point!

The moral of the story… Symptoms are your body’s attempt to save itself. Masking your symptoms (whether it be pain, nausea, diarrhea or fever) with drugs doesn’t fix the problem, it actually makes the situation worse. It’s smarter to find the cause and deal with it the right way. That’s why they call Chiropractors DC’s because we are Doctors of finding the Cause! Until next time…

By KachinskyFamilyChiropractic

“The Perfect Stress Reboot”

Have you ever had to restart your PC after the hard drive froze from being overwhelmed? You probably hit ‘Control+Alt+Delete’ to get your programs running smoothly again, right? Well your human computer needs a periodic rebooting too, and Chiropractic Adjustments do just that.

Your Nerve System gets easily overwhelmed from everyday stress. An urgent deadline at work, unexpected crisis with your children or any inconvenient change in your routine can act as an unsolicited stressor (spyware or a virus) that bogs down your nerves. The result… your body begins to slow down, you feel like you’re running sluggish and eventually you “freeze up” with an illness. Getting an adjustment is like hitting the Control+Alt+Delete buttons. It clears your Nerve System of unwanted stress and gets things running smoothly again.

All the stress our grandparents experienced in a week, today we absorb in just 24 hours! If you’re not making an effort to purge that tension from your human computer on a consistent basis, you’re asking for trouble. Don’t wait until your hard drive crashes. Get ‘rebooted’ routinely with Chiropractic care and stay ahead of the failure. We’re looking out for you.

By KachinskyFamilyChiropractic